If you live in Bordon, and you want some quality building work done by a decent builder, then you’ve probably asked some friends or relatives for information or recommendations about who to use but can you remember the name or number of the company?
Save the name and number
It might sound like a daft thing to suggest, or say, mainly because it’s such an obvious thing to do. However, if you had of saved their details on your phone, or mobile device, then you’d have no need to try and remember who they are or, how to get hold of them.
What are they called again?
A little helping hand never hurst so, here’s a ‘Tip of the week’; be really careful about how you save numbers on your phone, specifically, what name you save your new contact as. If you don’t use your phone much, then it might not be so much of a problem.
There is, however a big however, it would still be a smart idea to save your new contact as something like “recommended local builders Bordon”, then at least you’ll be able to find your contact easily enough when you need to make that call.
Golden nugget
Don’t underestimate the power of the above suggestion, there’s a huge amount of value to gain! Put it into practice, make it a habit, or you could end up on something like ‘Nightmare Builders’, sharing how you should have saved your friend’s recommendation on your phone but, you didn’t.